HUNAT ENERJİ, is an EPC company that is part of Kayseri Energy Companies Group (KCETAŞ, KEPSAŞ, ERCİYES ENERGY AND PRODUCTION, AND HUNAT ENERGY). HUNAT ENERGY is a company having highest institutional values in the sector in Turkey being established on the 85th years of expertise and knowhow of the group, being customer focused, acting as partners with the investors and not limiting this approach with the completion of investment project but continuing it all through the economic lifespan of the project.


  • We focus on providing energy solutions to our customers with high quality providing long term benefits,
  • We define our company values and beliefs with ethical and social responsibility,
  • We provide the ideal solution as regards to the requests and expectations of our customers and we follow up the scientific and technological innovations closely,
  • We aim to be known as a company giving importance to customer satisfaction at all times and under all kinds of circumstances.


  • We are aware that economic and reliable energy is a basic human right,
  • Being aware that dependency on fossil fuels influences our lives and the lives of future generations in a negative way, we believe that supporting renewable energy is a reliable and pratic way of improving life standards and to provide energy with focusing with social responsibility,
  • We feel the responsibility relating with the requirement for a well designed energy strategy for creating the supply.